Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Threats of Social Media to Privacy

    Social media has been a part of the daily lives of the people in the world. One of the reason why people keep using social media is to keep in touch with family and friends, there are also career opportunities available in social media for instance, online influencers, digital marketing and content manager. There are so many benefits to reap from social media and it also comes with it sets of cons, there are many threats to the user surrounding how social media handles its user's privacy and information.


Exposure of personal data

Companies keep the set of data that a user provide to their platform, this data contains personal and sensitive data such as the user's real name, birthdate and home address, it can also contain posts that the user have made. This set of data can help the company create a personal profile of the user's behavior and interaction on their platform and can used to create better targeted advertisements to their users.

Identity theft

There is a possibility that someone can impersonate a user and steal their identity for personal or malicious reasons. Impersonator can trick other people to provide them information and this can lead to a data breach.

Infectious malware

The benefit of being able to interact with anyone can be its biggest threat. A user that has been infected by a malicious software can spread its malware to anyone like in a situation where an infected email is clicked and will be automatically sent to everyone they have on their friend list and this occurrence can happen over and over again.

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